About Me

Whenever I’ve clicked on someone’s “About Me” section, it’s because I want to get to know the human behind the business or job title. I want to understand whether this person is relatable, trustworthy and whether they’ll understand me.

I hope you’ll get a sense of who I am from learning more about my story, but I also encourage you to book a free consultation if what I’ve said resonates with you.

This is where you’ll be able to learn more and decide whether I’m the coach for you in an open conversation with no strings attached. 

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My Story

I’m a certified transformational coach, life long learner, big question asker, music lover, adventurer and people lover.

I help my clients to bridge the gap between where they are right now and where they’d like to be both practically and emotionally in their career, relationships, life overall or a combination of all three. Life can feel very complex at times, WE are complex, and growth isn’t easy. My coaching approach is a non-linear process involving self-discovery, action-planning and action-taking and supporting you with all the space in between. 

I offer 1:1 coaching, workshops and group coaching on topics such as career growth, authenticity, leadership, stress, relationship to self, communication, confidence, relationships, and conflict resolution.

I did my undergraduate degree in Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, a field I was drawn to my whole life. After graduating from McMaster University and completing a postgraduate certificate in PR at Humber College, I spent 6 years working in Creative Production within project management, business development and client relations. In 2018 I transferred from Toronto to London, England to head up our UK team - one of the best challenges of my life and career. 

My move coincided with my first major encounters with loss and grief which shook up my entire perspective on life, showed me my own strength and unleashed a sense of urgency in me to help others see their own strength and live their life to the fullest. I discovered coaching at this time and was deeply impacted by the forward-focused yet still psychologically-focused approach.

I decided to pursue my coach training through Animas Centre for Coaching, an ICF-accredited program for Transformational Coaching while working full-time. I coached clients in my evenings and weekends and noticed the way that my energy felt replenished after each coaching session. In 2021, I decided it was time to leave my full-time role to focus solely on coaching so I could bring this work to more people and businesses.

I take an integrated approach to coaching and recognize that there are many different moving parts and layers to all of us. Everyone will have a different entry point as to why they’re seeking my support - maybe that’s their career, relationship(s), a big life transition or something they’d like to work on within themselves. However, our lives don’t operate in separate silos. I help my clients notice the ways in which different areas of their life intersect and influence each other, and where there may be recurring themes and patterns operating across different domains of life. When we begin to grow and change in one area, it has a ripple effect in other areas of our life too.

I have worked with a range of different clients and organizations, however my clients tend to be people who value personal and professional growth, are deep thinkers, go-getters, are open-minded, committed and passionate about making the most of life. 

This is just a snippet of who I am so if you’d like to learn more about coaching and my unique approach, book in a 30 minute chat with me to see if coaching could be the right fit for you.

Quick Facts

  1. I coach 1:1, teams and groups on their life, relationships or careers. No matter what we’re working on, I believe every area of our life is highly interconnected. When we begin to improve one area of life, it tends to have a ripple effect on other areas as well.

  2. Before becoming a coach, I spent 6 years working in the creative agency world and have extensive experience in project management, account management, business development and team management.

  3. I have a degree in Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour from McMaster University and am a Certified Transformational Coach through Animas Centre for Coaching. I absolutely loved what I studied and still do!

  4. My favourite book is Man’s Search For Meaning. It’s definitely shaped who I am as a human being and as a coach.

  5. I practice what I preach and continue to invest in my own personal and professional development by receiving regular coaching, ongoing supervision, and learning through training and lots of reading. What better way to give back to yourself, your loved ones and this planet by working on yourself?

  6. A few keys areas I’m super passionate about include stress management and reducing burnout, helping people overcome limiting beliefs, connecting with intuition, improving relationships, intergroup dynamics, overcoming imposter syndrome, working with our inner critic, leadership, and communication.

  7. I spent the last 5 years living in London, England living, working and exploring Europe. It forced me out of my comfort zone like nothing else and I’m eternally grateful for the experience.

  8. I’m originally from Ottawa, Canada, but spent many summers and Christmas’ visiting my grandmother in the Okanagan. It was always a dream to move here one day and decided it was time to make it happen this summer. I’m excited and grateful to be here in Kelowna and thrilled to be able to continue to work with clients virtually from all over.

  9. I was raised to question and challenge societal norms. We don’t have to follow the status quo just because “that’s the way it’s always been.” I love helping people pave their own way forward.