Life Coaching

Do any of these descriptions feel familiar to you? If so, Life Coaching could be for you.

  • Things are fine, but not great. You have a lot to be grateful, for but you’d like to see yourself grow in different areas of your life. 

  • You’re feeling stuck in one or more areas of your life. You’ve done your best to improve your circumstances, but you’re not where you’d like to be.

  • You’ve been going through a lot lately (or maybe for a while now) and you’re ready to find your way forward. 

  • Things are going well, but you are always striving for continuous growth and improvement.

Impacts of Coaching

  • Increased self-compassion

  • Greater self-trust

  • More honesty and authenticity

  • Stronger relationships with others

  • Stronger relationship with yourself

  • Greater perspective and guidance

  • More ease in decision making

  • Clarity and alignment on values

  • Greater confidence in who you are

  • Accountability

  • Courageous action

  • "Since working with Ashley, I’ve noticed my confidence sky rocket. "

  • "I would 100% recommend Ashley to anyone who is going through a difficult time or is looking to make improvements in any area of their life."

  • "I have recommended so many people to Ashley!"

Let’s Chat

If what you’ve read has resonated, please book a complementary 30-minute consultation with me. This your opportunity to get to know me, ask me any questions you have, share what’s going on in your life, and figure out if we’re a good coaching fit.


  • Very important question. Here is how I like to differentiate between the two.


    -Conversations are focused on the present and the future

    -More forward-focused and action-oriented

    -Explores what's happening in your mind that might be holding you back from growing or making changes in your life & work

    -Coaching can help someone proactively maintain good mental health but it is not a replacement for treating mental illnesses


    -Conversations are usually focused on the present and the past

    -Helps to heal and make sense of what happened in the past so that you can move forward

    -Therapists can often diagnose, treat and counsel those suffering with mental illnesses and process trauma

    Keep in mind that every coach and therapist may have a slightly different answer depending on their training, credentials and even where they’re located.

    Both can be incredibly valuable and I am happy to help you figure out the best approach that’s best for you.

    Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions

  • -People who are ready for personal and/or professional growth

    -People who aren’t afraid to be honest with themselves

    -People who are willing to step outside their comfort zone

    -People who want to pro-actively support their mental health

    -People who want to improve their relationships

    -People who want to understand themselves on a deeper level

    -People who want to grow in their career or business

    -People who wonder how they can make the most of their life

  • If you like what you’ve read so far, I offer a complementary consultation where you can ask me any questions, see the kind of coach and person I am, and see if this is a good fit.

    Book a free consultation here—>

  • First and foremost, I’m on your team. You can expect support, empathy and encouragement all the way through. 

    At the same time you can also expect me to challenge you, help expand your perspective, and hold you accountable to following through on what you want to do.

    I blend the emotional and the practical so you can learn more about yourself AND actually integrate what you’re learning about yourself to help you take steps forward in your life.

    This isn’t “tips and tricks to help you reach your goals” or “5 steps to a stress-free life”. I’ve got lots of resources for you to rely on when you need it, this is different. 

    I see YOU as the expert of your own life and I see myself as a collaborative partner here to help you see yourself and the challenges you’re facing with more clarity, to offer you a new perspective, to offer tools to expand your thinking, to hold you accountable, and ultimately help you move forward.

  • I am an ICF-Certified Transformational Coach at the ACC level and currently working towards my PCC designation. What this means I know my stuff and have gone through rigorous training, coaching, mentoring and supervision to become the coach I am today.

    I am continuously honing my craft through ongoing supervision, and professional development work of my own.

    Prior to becoming a coach, I studied Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour for 4 years and worked in a creative agency setting for 6 years in Canada and the UK, both of which can often inform the kinds of questions I ask and perspective I bring to our sessions.

  • Our conversations are completely confidential and none of your personal information will be shared without your consent unless I feel your safety or someone else’s safety is concerned.