Is procrastination laziness?

Something I know so many of us can relate to is procrastination.

We know we need to do something, we may have every intention of doing it, but we’re just not doing it.

Procrastinating does not = laziness. It might look like “laziness” at first glance but often it’s actually a symptom of:

- Uncertainty: I don’t know HOW to do this.
- Self-doubt: I don’t think I CAN do this.
- Perfectionism: It won’t be good enough.
-Overwhelm: I'm too stressed to do this or even think about this.

Instead of judging yourself for procrastinating, ask yourself WHY you’re procrastinating with more objective curiosity.

-What is the underlying reason I'm putting this off?
- Is there something I'm worried about?
- What’s making this feel so daunting or challenging?
- Do I need someone else's help with this?
- What do I need to make this easy, maybe even more enjoyable, or at least more manageable?

When we understand it, we can actually do something with it.


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