A little advice from me to me

  1. Today, even though I feel like liking myself a little less, I’m going to see if I can love myself more. I’m going to see if I can appreciate my complex and emotional brain for keeping me alive. I’m going to forgive myself for things I have and haven’t done. I’m going to judge myself less. I’m going to love myself more.

  2. 2a. Respecting my own opinions and boundaries, and making them clear to others will only improve the quality of my relationships overall in the long run. 

    2b. The consequences of not setting boundaries or standing behind my own opinions creates a lack of clarity of where I stand. It also can make me feel (unfairly) frustrated with people which isn’t fun for anyone. I owe it to myself and to people in my life to be more honest in conveying my boundaries. 

  3. Slow down to speed up. Sleep is productive. Walking in silence is productive. Laughing on the couch with Dan for an hour is productive. Watching good TV shows is productive. 



Feel the fear and do it anyways


You made my day and life