Life lessons from a half marathon

I recently ran my first half marathon which was a major mental and physical break through for me. After some self-reflection, I realised I was holding onto a tonnn of limiting beliefs about myself and what was possible for me on the running front.

I decided to stop letting my inner critic call the shots, and start applying all the tools I use in with my 1:1 clients in order to prove myself wrong.

I learned some pretty powerful life lessons along the way and wanted to share my 3 biggest takeaways with you.

1. That negative voice in your head will literally slow you down and may even make you want to stop altogether. Visualising turning the volume down on those negative thoughts was life changing!

2. Question the limits and labels you’ve placed on yourself or that others have placed on you! What are you telling yourself isn’t possible that MIGHT actually be possible.

3. We don’t have to wait until we’ve crossed a finish line to be proud of ourselves and to celebrate our progress. There are so many “finish lines” in life (getting promoted, having kids, getting married, achieving a goal) and we often don’t let ourselves celebrate or be proud of ourselves until we’ve “got there”. Also…as James Clear says in Atomic Habits, the finish line is one small moment in time and can often be a bit underwhelming! Learning to enjoy and be proud of ourselves during the process of achieving our goals where most of the biggest hurdles actually take place can be transformative.

Would love to know which of these resonates with you the most! 1, 2, or 3? 🧡


3 years later…


The Health Benefits of Crying