Negativity bias explained

Inspired by a coaching discovery call I had earlier today, I want to talk about the Negativity Bias. 

The Negativity Bias is our tendency to:

  • Remember traumatic experiences better than positive ones.

  • Recall criticism better than praise.

  • React more strongly to negative stimuli.

  • Respond more strongly to negative events than to equally positive ones.

Here are some of the ways that the negativity bias shows up in our lives:

  • We may feel the sting of feedback at work more than the praise we receive. 

  • We may tend to notice people’s flaws more readily than their good qualities. 

  • We may notice or dwell on our own mistakes more. 

Why does this bias or tendency exist? We evolved this way. Our ancestors needed to be able to secure food, and avoid predators. If you live in what feels like a war zone, the negativity bias is actually super helpful. For the majority of people living in the 21st century, not so helpful! 

The negativity bias can take a toll on us but there are things we can do:

  • Notice how the negativity bias is playing a role in your life.

  • Choose not to marinate on negative feelings like inadequacy, anger, judgement. 

  • Reframe negative experiences in a more positive light. 

  • Savour positive experiences. 

We are being inundated with a lot of negative information and news at the moment and life may feel very overwhelming. I hope you find this information empowering wherever you are at this moment!


Confessions from a restless sleep


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