7 Ways to Create Energy Now

If you're feeling exhausted, overworked, and like you have very little energy left to give right now, this is a sign that you need to fill up your energetic cup. Sometimes when we’re feeling exhausted we think that we need sedentary forms of rest (like mindlessly scrolling social media or binge watching a show), but often times we actually need to expend our energy in more rejuvenating and restorative ways.

Here are 8 ideas that might look like work at first glance, but that will actually give you energy and bring joy back into your day:

  1. Walking. Walking increases your heart rate, improves blood flow and can lower blood pressure. It can boost your energy levels by releasing hormones like endorphins and delivering oxygen throughout the body. If it's freezing outside right now, walk up and down the stairs if you can, throw on some music or a podcast to make it fun, and get moving.

  2. Dancing. Dancing is so good for our body, mind and spirit. Kelly McGonigal, PhD and author of the Joy of Movement dancing can trigger the brain chemicals dopamine, adrenaline, and endorphins, causing a powerful and lasting effect called ‘energized optimism’. Put on your favourite song, move past the weirdness if dancing is not normally your thing, let go and allow the joy to come.

  3. Singing. Among many other health benefits, singing can interesting decrease cortisol levels if we’re singing somewhere that doesn’t make you feel more anxious. You don’t have to be good at singing to sing or to reap the benefits of singing. What is your favourite song? GO for it.

  4. Playing an instrument. I recently got a piano and it honestly has changed my life. I grew up having a piano in my home and taking lessons all my life and when I’m feeling exhausted at the end of a long day, sitting down at the piano gives me so much energy.

  5. Journalling. Studies of journalling indicate that writing can help to process and regulate emotions, foster feelings of gratitude, and boost overall psychological wellbeing. I can share so many journalling prompts with you but simply asking yourself - “how are you feeling today?” is a great prompt to get you started.

  6. Creativity Creativity just for the sake of joy is so important important and something I think so many adults have forgotten about. It allows us to switch off certain parts of our brain and tap into the more creative parts of our brain which can be really restorative. If you have no idea where to start, ask yourself, “what did I love doing as a kid?” Think about when were you most in flow, and then go do that and let your brain get lost in it.

  7. Reading. Reading has been a passion of mine for a long time. It makes me sad when people say they can’t read anymore because they don’t have the attention span. I think we can all agree that technology is to blame for this but we have to remember that technology is a tool that we control, not the other way around. Reduce stress and boost relaxation by immersing yourself in a good fiction or non-fiction book. If you're not enjoying what you’re reading, don't force yourself to read books you don't like. Find books you enjoy that you can whip through, and I promise this will help you build your attention span back up.

    I feel so passionate about helping people have more fun and energy in their lives. Life is precious and joy is something we get to experience everyday - if we choose to. The pressure isn’t worth it if you’re not having any fun. Okay - switch off technology and go fill up you’re energetic cup!


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