Are you prioritizing recovery?

Are you prioritizing recovery in your career?


•Are you available at all hours of the day?

•Are you thinking about work when you’re not working?

•Does work come first, and you come last?

•Do you scroll through work emails right after waking up?

•Are your email notifications consistently turned on outside your working hours?

If you answered yes to any of the above - I feel you, I’ve been there, and have to consistently keep working at this too.

There’s a growing subset in organizational psychology called “psychological detachment from work”.

Did you know that people who psychologically detach from work experience:

•Less work-related fatigue and procrastination

•Increased physical health and increased engagement at work, especially during highly demanding times

•Greater marital satisfaction even with a heavy workload

•Increased overall quality of life

•Greater mental health

For a lot of people the first step is setting up healthy boundaries. That’s usually quite uncomfortable to begin with, but initially doable.

The second step is often harder but it’s so important, and that is repairing the underlying beliefs/emotions/tendencies that led to these patterns in the first place and that are holding you back in your career.

This line from the book 10x is easier than 2x by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy hit hard for me - “If you’re never fully unplugged, you’re also never fully in the zone.”

If you need help with this - I’d love to have a chat. You can book a free discovery call with me here.


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