12 life lessons from women I love

In honour of International Women’s Day I want to take a moment to share a collection of wisdom and lessons I’ve learned from some of the incredible women in my life.

  1. Build each other UP. If there is something you admire about someone in your life, vocalize it!

  2. Do NOT be afraid to take up space in the world. There is room for each and everyone of us.

  3. Strike while the iron is hot. If there an opportunity in front of you, GO for it.

  4. Be aware of how much you use the words always and never. These are absolutes and are often limiting. Is there a grey area?

  5. It’s okay to have different friends for different things. It keeps things interesting and you don’t have to rely on one person to be everything.

  6. Carve your own path. You do NOT have to do things in the order that society tells us to. Do it your way.

  7. It’s okay to be clear and direct about what you need from people. Do you need someone to vent to? Do you need want an opinion? It’s okay to vocalize your needs.

  8. Sometimes we go through phases and seasons of life where we can’t give as much to our relationships as we’d like to. This doesn’t make you a bad friend, it just makes you human.

  9. Go after what you want boldy and unapologetically.

  10. It’s not over till it’s over!

  11. We might accidently hurt each other at times. We might argue or disagree. This isn’t bad or a sign of an unhealthy relationship. We’re just human. The way we work through the hard times builds resilience and can bring our relationships closer.

  12. Celebrate yourself! Throw yourself a party. Talk about your successes. Share the things that are going well in your life. It’s not bragging if it’s true.

I cherish these words of wisdom deeply from family, friends, and women I admire.

What words of wisdom have inspired you from the women in your life?

Pop me a comment below xo


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