Feedback is like blood work

Negative criticism or feedback can be tough to receive.

I heard this concept recently that I personally found super helpful which is that feedback is like blood work.

You can take all kinds of different supplements, but if you haven’t had your blood work run, you don’t know what you’re deficient in.

Similarly with feedback, because we can only see so much from our own perspective, we may miss out on very valuable information.

What we don’t know, we can’t work on.

Try focusing on these 3 things the next time you receive constructive criticism/feedback:

1. Feedback does not define your self-worth - it’s simply information to be considered.

2. Feedback is subjective so we don’t have to agree with every piece of feedback we receive.

3. If you feel defensive or upset after receiving feedback, take a step away and come back to it when you’re ready. How might this feedback be exactly what you needed to hear to help you to grow in your life or career?


Embracing discomfort


Hitting the reset button