Hitting the reset button

Happy new year everyone! đźŽ‰

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and that you’re feeling optimistic looking into this new year 🧡

I am loving the themes I’m seeing this year on social media rejecting the idea of “new year, new me”, because I too find that there can be a bit of toxicity in that messaging.

However….I also love a reset button ▶

And I think there is power in taking the time to state what we want in our lives while ensuring that our self-worth doesn’t hinge on us “achieving” or “not achieving” the things we’d like to see happen. 

Here are some powerful questions that I am reflecting on as we start the year that I wanted to share with you all...BUT I want you to remember that time is a construct and we can come back to this questions at any point in the year. 

✨ 1. What are 3 words that I want to embody this year?

✨ 2. What specifically would I like to see happen in my life over the next year? Think about all the domains of your life....career, relationships, health, personal development, finance, spirituality etc.

✨ 3. What do I want to keep doing or focusing on from last year?

✨ 4. What do I want to stop doing or let go of from last year? 

✨ 5. What would I like to contribute this year? There are SO many forms of contribution...try to think outside the box on this one.

✨ 6. What are some of the actions I might take to create this vision for myself?

✨ 7. What are a couple of daily/weekly non-negotiables? For example... 20 mins movement everyday. 2L of water a day. 2-3 meditations per week. 7 hours of sleep or rest. Writing down thoughts 1-2 days a week. 

✨ 8. What am I feeling grateful for right now, exactly where I am?

And speaking of gratitude, here's a little highlight from December in this city I'm very lucky to call home 🧡 📸


Feedback is like blood work

