In a career rut? Here’s what I recommend.
If you’re feeling a little stuck, a little frustrated, maybe tired…or a combination of all 3…this ones for you.
When we’re in career rut, it can hard to see a way out and to feel in control of your own situation. If this is you, here’s what I want you to do:
1. Get clear on why you are in the role/company you are. You may not be in your exact dream role or dream company, but you’re here right now. Why have you chosen to be here and what do you want to get out of this chapter of your career? On those days when you’re really tired, maybe frustrated, or stressed, come back to your why.
2. Identify what energizes and excites you most within your role, or if there's a project you could get involved with. Is it something creative, innovation-focused, presenting, leading, mentoring, facing clients/people, etc? Not every element of your job is going to be fulfilling, but finding those pockets of work you find really fulfilling/interesting can help reduce stress and build resilience.
3. Get clear how you want to feel at work and what impact you want to have in your role. What obstacles stand in between you and that vision? Carve out time to start addressing some of those obstacles or work with someone to help you inch closer to that vision.
4. Collaborate and connect with people everyday. In our fast-paced, hybrid/remote work environments, this one can slip down our list of priorities but it's often one of the most important factors in how we feel about our work.