My definition of strength

As much as we’ve come a long way in the world of mental health, I think there is still this underlying association in our society between being strong, and holding in or holding back our emotions.

So many people are suffering on their own behind closed doors because they've been fed this narrative that there’s strength in hiding pain.

I think of strength in a different way.

I think strength can be acknowledging how much life can hurt sometimes.

Strength can be facing your emotions head-on instead of trying to suppress or disregard your feelings.

I think strength is being vulnerable with people who care about you.

Strength is saying when you need a break when it feels like too much.

Strength can be breaking down or shedding tears.

I believe that by acknowledging how we’re really feeling, we can truly begin to heal and build resilience in really challenging times.


Unexpected summer plans


3 years later…