Unexpected summer plans


My fiancé and I got a really unexpected opportunity to spend July in Porto, and even though we had no intention of going to Portugal this summer, life gave us a little nudge so we went for it.

I am a huge believer in following life’s little nudges and I’m very grateful for this one.

This experience has been absolutely incredible so far. I’ve been reminded of how good it can feel to slow down a little, notice the little things, and fully embrace the good in each moment you find yourself in 🧡

A few highlights from our first week:
✨Eating dinner outside every night
✨Learning little bits of Portuguese
✨The sky here day or night
✨Swimming in lagoons in the forest
✨Climbing on rocks barefoot
✨Bumpy jeep rides and crazy views
✨Making new friends
✨Citrus fruits growing on trees
✨Long walks after dinner
✨The beautiful, old homes here and all the colourful tiles
✨Roosters crowing in the morning
✨Watching the way people live here - I love the community feel of the area we’re staying in even though we’re very much on the outside looking in.

What little things or everyday moments are lighting you up lately? 🧡


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