Not an ordinary tube ride

This week I had a 15 minute tube ride into London and decided to use that time to test out an exercise for an upcoming workshop. I wanted to see how long it would take me to write 50 things I was grateful for. I decided to be super specific about my list, think about very small moments or subtler things, and to even give a little extra attention to things causing me frustration.

 A few highlights…my fiancé for making me laugh everyday. My mom’s seemingly infinite ability to listen to me and support me. My warm winter coat. My friends who feel like family. My future family in-law’s constant love and support for me. My cozy flat. My clients!!! Social media for its ability to connect me with people I’d normally never cross paths with. Music and the way it takes me back to different times in my life. My safety. Bundled up walks in the rain. The sunsets in the winter. My dad’s infectious laugh I can hear in my head. The funny cashier at the grocery store. My emotions - the fun ones and the hard ones 🧡

By noticing the things that we see as normal or maybe even insignificant, we can create positive emotions within us that overflow into the rest of our lives 🌊

I left the tube overflowing with positivity and gratitude, and I’m reminded that I can tap into those emotions at any time regardless of the more difficult stuff I (we all) deal with.

It is so cool to stretch your mind in different directions and notice the emotions that come with it. Highly recommend trying it and going a little longer than you might normally with a gratitude list.

A little evidence of that winter sunset 📸


Thoughts on thoughts


“Be kind to yourself” they said…