Thoughts on thoughts

The way you speak to yourself matters.

And your inner voice has the power to influence everything in your life.


Your mood. 

Your confidence. 

Your posture. 

Your health.

Your decisions.

Your resilience in adversity. 

Your relationships.

The things you tolerate. 

Your relationship with risk and leaving your comfort zone. 

Whether you or not you believe you’re worthy of the things you want to do in your life.


But how do you change the way you speak to yourself? 

 How do you cultivate a warmer, more inviting, safer home inside of you? 

This is what I mean when I say that my coaching approach helps you change your life from the inside—> out. 

It’s about vocalizing the thoughts that run through your mind - the good, the bad and the ugly.

It’s noticing the way you speak to yourself with objective curiosity instead of internalizing everything you hear. 

It’s learning the difference between being realistic and limiting ourselves. 

It’s acknowledging the scared, anxious, stressed parts of yourself with compassion and kindness.

But recognising that we don’t have to accept every thought we hear in our minds as “fact”.

 Working on this has the power to change your relationship with yourself and the way you show up in your life.

 Ready to start working on this in your own life? Let’s chat!


Struggling to set boundaries? Read me.


Not an ordinary tube ride