The moments in between big milestones

We often celebrate the moments in life where we hit a milestone. 

Maybe you just got promoted.

Maybe you got married. 

Maybe you got to the finish line of your longest race. 

It is so important to celebrate those big moments in life where we hit the milestone or achieve the goal. 

But I think sometimes we forget to give ourselves credit or simply to notice the importance of the moments in between the milestones. These little moments may not be the glamorous ones that we want to tell people about, or that are celebrated by others, but they say so much about our ability to navigate through adversity in life.

That run you went on that was “your worst time”, maybe that’s the run that made the biggest difference in your training because you pushed through the most intense mental and physical resistance. 

That month where you had the lowest performance compared to everyone else at work, but you persisted anyway. You may not have gotten recognition that month or got anywhere near your goal, but you kept going. Maybe there was more learning in that “bad month” than you could ever learn from a “good month”.

That fight you had with someone you love. It might not have been one for the highlight reel, but maybe it strengthened your relationship with that person. Maybe you took ownership of a mistake you made, maybe you shared vulnerably about something that was frustrating you, or maybe you learned something valuable about that person. It might not be a moment that society traditionally celebrates in relationships, but maybe it’s made your relationship stronger and will keep you closer in hard times.

Those days you really felt down or anxious and there was no clear solution, but you took steps to take care of yourself anyways and you were gentle and patient with yourself. Maybe sitting with that discomfort will get you through other moments in life that you didn’t know you could handle. 

In a lot of these moments in between the milestones, there’s no big celebration, no one’s watching, no one knows the struggle, but you keep showing up anyways because these little moments are what really define the big milestones. These are the moments to be proud of and I think sometimes we forget to enjoy and celebrate the journey to get to the bigger milestones.

If you’re having a hard day, a hard year, you feel behind in some way, or you’re not where you want to be yet….remember that it is all about what you do with the little moments in between the milestones. 

Remember to celebrate the hard moments where you persevered, there were no tangible or immediate results, but you kept going. 

Keep going my friends x


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