Transforming negative thoughts into empowering thoughts

A big part of coaching is learning more about yourself and becoming aware of the thoughts that run through your mind on a regular basis.

In my sessions I dig deep into what my clients are thinking and feeling, because this often has a direct link to everything they’re doing, what they’re NOT doing, and how they are showing up in every aspect of their life. 

A few examples of how thoughts can empower you to take action or keep you stuck:

Thought: I’m good at my job. 

Result: I ask for opportunities. I speak confidently with my clients and colleagues. I’m considered for promotions.

Thought: There’s one perfect person for everyone. 

Result: I over-analyse my partner and relationship. If I don’t always feel “the spark” or we’re fighting, I think it’s probably the wrong relationship. 

Thought: I can adjust to any new challenge even if it’s really hard to begin with.

Result: I have big goals, and I leave my comfort zone regularly to pursue them.

I could go on and on. 

The point is, when I notice my client’s thoughts are more negative and limiting, I ask them how it feels to think this way. I challenge them on whether their negative thoughts are actually true. I ask them how having this belief about themselves and their lives is impacting them. 

Then I ask them to create an alternative thought that feels more empowering, but still true.

When we’ve been working together for a while, my clients can more readily catch their Negative Automatic Thoughts (we call these NATs) and reframe them with more Positive Empowering Thoughts (PETs). 

As they begin filling their minds up with more positive empowering ways of thinking that they truly believe, things inevitably start to shift. The best part is that once a client transforms their way of thinking in one area of their life, it’s often a catalyst for change in other areas of their life. 

Check out This Instagram Post for a few everyday life examples that may help you learn how to reframe the ways of thinking that are holding you back. 

If your mind is riddled with NATs, I want you to know that there is a different, more empowering path forward and through coaching, I can help you discover it.


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