Overwhelmed right now? Try these 5 tips

There is a LOT going on in the world and it is a hectic time of year. If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, these are 5 ways to help you regulate overwhelming emotions as they come up this holiday season and beyond.

These tips are all centred around how you can support yourself, but of course don’t be afraid to ask for help from your support system or from me. People want to be there for you.

1. Switch off your phone, move it to another room in the house, and notice how you feel. While it’s important to stay informed and connected to loved ones, when you’re scrolling you are taking in a TON of information at once. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, social media may feel like a way to “numb out” but it’s actually feeding you more “inputs” that can further exacerbate the stress you’re feeling.

2. Walk outside preferably in nature. Bonus points if you can get outside in the morning which will help regulate your circadian rhythm thus supporting your sleep which is also important in times of overwhelm.

3. Talk to yourself. I know this might sound crazy, but I’ve been doing this for a few years now on and off, and I’ve been amazed at how helpful it is. You don’t always need someone’s opinion or input on what you’re feeling. Sometimes you just need to vocalise what’s going on without any judgement and tell YOURSELF the things you need to hear right now.

4. Break a sweat. As we all know, working out improves mood, improves confidence, helps you relax, may lower symptoms of mild depression/anxiety, but one of the less obvious things I love about working out is that it’s actually a form of meditation because you shift your focus away from your overwhelming thoughts, to the present moment of the movement you’re doing.

5. Give yourself a break from thinking (inspired by a lovely friend of mine, Alix from https://www.travelmymindcoaching.com/). This is one of the reasons people practice meditation, but we don’t have to be sitting cross-legged on the floor “OMing” to be present (as helpful as that can be too)! We can consciously quiet our thoughts and focus on what we’re doing even if it’s as simple as doing the dishes or taking a shower.

Take good care of yourself and remember, you are not alone!


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