Unexpected Christmas curveballs

This Christmas season has brought many of us some unexpected curveballs (including this droopy tree that we’re struggling to keep alive). 

If the events of the last few weeks are bringing you down in any way, I want you to know that you’re not alone. 

I was supposed to be with my beautiful mum in London, something I was massively looking forward to for months and months, and we made the very difficult decision to postpone her visit to keep us all safe. 

If your Christmas plans have changed last minute too, I am with you and am sending you love.

If you’re missing loved ones at Christmas, I am with you and am sending you love.

If you are working in healthcare, hospitality or any industry being affected by these difficult times, I appreciate you so much and am sending you love. 

If you’re feeling sad about the current situation, it is okay to allow yourself to feel that sadness. You can pick yourself back up when you’re ready, but you don’t need to rush or think your way out of it.

Just because your situation may still be “better” than a lot of other people’s situations, that doesn’t mean you can’t feel let down. 

Allowing myself to wallow for a few days was exactly what I needed, and my people carried me through it. 

I am now ready to make the most of what I have, but allowing myself that time to feel sad got me here. 

I am also so appreciative of the amazing people in my life who sat with my sadness, and didn’t try to problem-solve a situation that was relatively out of my control. You inspire me to do that for others.

On the other end of the spectrum, if you are in good spirits right now, don’t feel guilty for feeling joy when others feel sadness. We need that good energy in the world right now.


Lessons of 2021


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