Lessons of 2021

Happy New Years Eve my friends! 

For me 2021 looked like 365 days of big transitions, big growth, and LOADS of ups and downs. 

I took some time this morning to reflect on some of the big lessons I’m taking away from this year and wanted to share them with you.

  1. When it comes to conflict in relationships of all kinds, you can be right and you can be wrong. You don’t have to go into every difficult conversation having everything perfectly curated in order to express a feeling or settle a disagreement.  

  2. People cannot guess or predict how you feel about something. Clear communication is everything in relationships and we’re all responsible for this. 

  3. Small actions lead to big changes. Sometimes I expect things to happen overnight. 

  4. Social media is very very distracting and energy sucking when I overuse it. 

  5. If you are constantly criticising yourself, you will live like someone who’s constantly being criticised. When you consciously drown out the negative self-talk and focus on positive, empowering thoughts, you’ll feel better and you’ll take action towards the things that are most important to you.

  6. Procrastination is a form of perfectionism and a symptom of a lack of clarity. 

Through making some big changes this year, and also by nature of just existing on this crazy planet, some things came up that I’d like to let go of:

  • Using social media as a coping mechanism for overwhelm 

  • Hesitating

  • Overthinking 

  • Fear of failure, of disappointing someone, and of rejection.

Going into 2022, my intentions for this next year are:

  • Consistency

  • Service

  • Conscious relaxation 

  • Connection

Wishing you a beautiful end to 2021 and start to 2022!

Happy New Year my friends x 


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