Why Do High Achievers Procrastinate

If you're a high achiever who battles with procrastination, you're not alone.

Let's get one thing straight first… procrastination isn't about laziness.

My clients who struggle with this are usually experiencing this for 1 of 2 reasons.
1. They feel like their work has to be perfect or exceptional or…

2. They feel like they are not enough. Maybe they feel like they're an imposter and that they have something that they need to prove.

A lot of my clients who experience this spend hours and hours thinking about what they're going to do, but then don't actually get started…

Or they spend their time on other tasks that makes themselves feel like they're busy, while they're still avoiding that one thing that they really need to do or want to do.

They often feel extremely tense as they're working and absolutely exhausted by the end of their workday.

If any of this sounds like you, here are five strategies that I recommend to help you break out of this procrastination cycle:

  1. Start with a Worst Draft: Overcome perfectionism by diving in and creating an initial draft, even if it's imperfect. Putting pen to paper provides clarity and momentum, helping you move forward with your goals.

  2. Set Time Limits: Avoid the trap of overthinking by imposing deadlines on tasks. Giving yourself a defined timeframe fosters focus and prevents unnecessary delays, ensuring efficient progress.

  3. Find Accountability: Share your struggle with someone you trust and set clear deadlines for tasks. Having external accountability creates a sense of urgency, motivating you to prioritize and complete your goals.

  4. Address Root Causes: Seek support to explore the origins of your perfectionism or imposter syndrome. Professional guidance can uncover underlying patterns and empower you to develop healthier approaches to work.

  5. Embrace Rest: Recognize the importance of downtime in maintaining productivity. Allow yourself unproductive time to recharge, fostering creativity and decision-making abilities.

If you're ready to conquer procrastination and unlock your full potential, I'm here to help.

As a life and career coach specializing in supporting people who often identify as high achievers, I offer personalized guidance to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Book a free discovery call here and let’s chat about how I can support you.


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