Career Coaching

Do any of these descriptions feel familiar to you?

If so, Career Coaching could be for you.

  • You want to feel more fulfilled in your career, but you don’t know what that looks like. You need clarity, guidance, and resources to help you get there.

  • There’s something you’ve always wanted to do with your career, but the idea of going after that dream is too daunting.

  • You’re feeling burned out and ready for a change.

  • You’re ready to earn more, get that next promotion, and continue to soar in your career but in a sustainable and healthy way.

  • You want to drive impact in your industry, your company, and within your team.

  • You’re great at what you do, but you often question yourself, doubt yourself, or play smaller than you want to.

If any of these resonated with you, keep scrolling.

Impacts of Coaching

  • Increase confidence

  • Increase career fulfilment

  • Learn emotional resilience and regulation skills

  • Establish stronger boundaries

  • Become a better leader

  • Reduce perfectionism

  • Manage imposter syndrome

  • Increase your impact

  • Improve decision making skills

  • Increase self-trust

  • Increase visibility and develop your personal brand

  • Earn more

  • Gain the recognition you deserve

  • Gain tools and resources to support you well beyond our coaching engagement


I had the pleasure of working with Ashley over the past 3 months, engaging in six coaching sessions that proved to be transformative for both my professional and personal development. Before we began, I was struggling with career direction, leadership development, and managing anxiety. Ashley's coaching approach exceeded my expectations. I initially thought it would solely involve inward reflection, but I was pleasantly surprised by the incredibly helpful tangible tips Ashley provided. From the very first week, I noticed an immediate impact on my leadership skills, as senior stakeholders welcomed my challenges to their opinions, boosting my confidence significantly. Throughout our sessions, I challenged myself to incorporate new leadership tactics into my daily routine, gained clarity on career direction and my career non-negotiables, I re-aligned my CV with this new clarity, and started applying and interviewing for new roles. Ashley also guided me to practice positive behaviors, like embracing downtime and spending quality time with my thoughts without distractions. I was worried that coaching might add to my stress levels and to-do list, but it actually helped me manage stress as Ashley skillfully shaped our session around what was challenging me most, leaving me happier and calmer after each interaction. Ashley is amazing at what she does and I have already raved about our work to so many people! Highly recommend reaching out to her if you’re looking for personal or professional growth. Thank you Ashley!

Melissa, Senior Marketing Manager, London, UK

When I landed a new Sales Leadership role back in January, it was very important to me that I grow in this new career and take a deeper look into my values, work on my strengths and be more aware of my weaknesses. I have been in the same capacity at work in terms of duties for the last 8 years. I wanted a challenge, I wanted to believe I could be promoted and given new objections to reach. This is when I knew a Career Coach would be crucial to work with, to help me observe my performance from an outside perspective. We met for the first time in February and right away we worked together on goal setting and what outcome I would like to see after our next 6 months together. I was honest about my desire to move up, get uncomfortable, feel more confident, work better with my team and peers and have better conversations. After 6 months I am so happy to say that everything above was achieved. I am so happy working with Ashley! We are going to continue working together on a new list of goals and I am confident I will see more personal and professional growth. I highly recommend working with Ashley if you are in the same position and looking to excel in your career.

Ilana, Senior Director of Sales, Toronto, Canada

I had never tried coaching before and I hesitated to do so. I am not the type of person who has ever been comfortable with vulnerability or asking for help. Having an initial consultation with Ashley was a REALLY big step for me, a step I am very grateful I took! After working with Ashley over the course of 6 months, I have seen tangible strides in both my personal life and career. Ashley has an incredible way of making you feel like you are in the driver's seat during every session. She helps you get to where you need to go all on your own. With probing questions, thoughtful writing prompts & her undivided attention, I was truly able to step out of my comfort zone and make the most of each conversation. I would highly recommend working with Ashley for anyone who wants to explore coaching or is just feeling a little stuck in life (like me!). 

Kristy, Senior Account Director, Toronto, Canada

I reached out to Ashley for coaching because I wanted to have regular guidance on creating goals in life in a sustainable way before starting a new role in leadership.The biggest shift I saw in myself was accepting that play/ exploration and enjoying the process whilst accomplishing challenging things is an important part of the process. Through our sessions I was also able to explore and solidify the concept of listening to my inner child when creating goals in my life. Ashley also helped me to shift my mindset with being comfortable with the unknown and not expecting myself to have all the answers. I really recommend working with Ashley if you are looking for a female coach and need a safe and intellectually stimulating space to explore the aspects in your life that aren’t particularly clear for you. She asks very good questions without giving you the answers and really takes the time to understand you and your place in the world.”

Jessica, Secondary School Teacher, London, UK

“It’s hard to even put into words how much working with Ashley has helped and shaped me. Her kind approach never failed to make me feel comfortable and safe, but it was her openness and challenging nature that helped me dig deeper. Ashley has a way of asking the really hard questions, but making them feel easy. It is what has helped me shift my mindset on so many things in my life. I attribute so much of my growth, confidence and outlook to my sessions with Ashley which is not to mention a career change and huge developments in my romantic & platonic relationships. I could not recommend her more if I tried.”

Amanda, Operations Manager, London, UK

After working with Ashley for 7 months, I noticed lots of changes within myself. I am much more self-aware and compassionate with myself, and it’s made it easier to address challenges in my life and go after the things I want. Ashley is very patient, attentive, and non-judging, so it was a very enjoyable, but productive experience. I have recommended so many people to Ashley already!

Jessica, Senior Designer, London, UK

Let’s Chat

If what you’ve read has resonated, please book a complementary 45-minute consultation with me through the button below. This your opportunity to get to know me, ask me any questions you have, share what’s going on in your life, and figure out if we’re a good coaching fit.


  • Signing up for career and leadership coaching means you are ready to do things differently.

    Breaking out of old patterns and doing things differently is not easy and can feel daunting.

    You can expect a safe, confidential and supportive space to explore your experiences in your career.

    I will give you my undivided attention, offer my perspective when we agree it’s useful, trust you know what’s best for you, and encourage you to go for it in your career.

    Your organisation needs your unique skills, your unique perspective and I want to help you see your own potential and inspire others around you.

    Lastly, our careers are also highly connected to other areas of your life such as work, family, spirituality, health and I will encourage you to share insights from other areas of your life where you feel it’s relevant to our career work.

  • I am an ICF-Certified Transformational Coach at the ACC level and currently working towards my PCC designation. What this means I know my stuff and have gone through rigorous training, coaching, mentoring and supervision to become the coach I am today.

    I am continuously honing my craft through ongoing supervision, and professional development work of my own.

    Prior to becoming a coach, I studied Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour for 4 years and worked in a creative agency setting for 6 years in Canada and the UK, both of which can often inform the kinds of questions I ask and perspective I bring to our sessions.

  • Our conversations are completely confidential and none of your personal information will be shared without your consent unless I feel your safety or someone else’s safety is concerned.

    This all holds true even if your workplace is paying for the coaching.

    On the other hand, you can share that you’re working with me with whoever you’d like!

  • Yes! Some businesses may be wiling to invest or contribute to your professional development through coaching. Please book a chat if you have any questions.